
Hi! I'm Lynnelle!

Be Careful What You Wish For - Are You READY?

Published about 2 months ago • 2 min read

Reader, something I hear frequently from women who’ve retired and are feeling the honeymoon start to wane is

“I wish I could ________.” (fill in the blank)
  1. Start an organic garden and donate the overage to shelters
  2. Learn Sign Language & volunteer at schools for the deaf and hard of hearing
  3. Take a girls’ trip to Florence and take an art history class at the Uffizi
  4. Start a non-profit with a mission of decreasing recidivism of women parolees with children under 17
  5. Move to France and host mind, body, spirit retreats for women creating their next, best chapter of life after career

See #5? That’s Me

I’m 66 years old and have had the dream of living in France for at least 53 years. The dream of hosting retreats for women of a certain age is new, relatively speaking.

Something else I hear frequently from women who’ve retired and hear that I’m moving to France is

“Wow, I wish I could do that!”

News flash… “YOU CAN!”

You can do anything you want as long as it is within the laws of nature as we know and/or believe them to be.

For example, no matter how much I want it, practice for it, or try to manifest it, I will never be a Guinness World record holder in the high jump.

Is there something you’ve dreamed of doing in or with your life? Maybe it’s a career you wished for, but you took a different path.

Or, maybe it’s something you told yourself you would do or a life you’d create in your next chapter. YOU are in control of you. What is it you want? It may take a minute.

For me, it was - and IS to live authentically and in alignment with my values. Period.

It just so happens that, on my journey to understand and live my vision, I discovered that living in France aligns better with my authentic self, desired lifestyle, and core values.

Now I'm working hard to build the muscles I need to hold true to my vision. It's not all pigs and blankets, but it is so worth it. Yes, I'm 66 and starting over. Not something I'd have wised for, however I'm grateful I'm starting over with clarity. Finally.

In the Year 2050

What is it that you want for your next chapter of adulthood? You’ve got another 20, 25, 30 or more years!

Think of where and who you were 25 years ago. Consider how much you’ve lived and learned since then! Now think that you have that many more years ahead of you. Nothing should seem too far-fetched.

The fact that I’m moving to France in just a few months is just mind blowing to me. 25 years ago it seemed possible, but not probable. 50 years ago, I wouldn’t even say it out loud, it was so crazy.

But now - the countdown begins! T-minus 4 months... and counting. First stop - The Public Storage unit in Pflugerville, Texas.

Stay Tuned.


Lynnelle “Headed to France” Wilson

Mentor & Chief Cheerleader or…
Retirement Reinvention Strategist ←I’’m trying this on for size.. What do you think?

PS - What is it you want for your next 20, 30 or more years? Do you know? Understanding the emotional phases (rollercoaster) you experience after you retire can be helpful in moving through them.

Click here for a copy of a brief guide book I wrote (and updated) called The 6 Phases of Life After Career.

PSS - Sometimes it can be helpful to talk through your thinking. I’d love to be your sounding board. Here’s a link to schedule a complimentary call - let’s call it a Retirement Reinvention Strategy Session.

Find a convenient time to talk here --> Calendly Link

Hi! I'm Lynnelle!

Chief Cheerleader and Guide of the BOLD-Women Community.

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