
Hi! I'm Lynnelle!

Chief Cheerleader and Guide of the BOLD-Women Community.

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What's Your France?

Pigs Are Flying What's Your France? It's just you and me, Reader. If you could, without any risk of loss or failure, what would you do differently tomorrow? That's Crazy Talk There's risk in anything you do, so the "without any risk" thing isn't real. BUT, understanding the risks and your boundaries makes the risk calculated. It's not some terrifying monster ready to kill you and all your kittens. You're not crazy to be aware that there are risks in stepping out, doing something new,...

4 days ago • 1 min read

Surrender Surrendering for Joy & Fulfillment I'm sitting in the airport waiting for my flight back to Austin, the final ending to my intentional year in Charleston, SC. There are many lessons and experiences I'll carry with me, and most of them - if not - boil down to surrendering to what is. It's Not Giving Up Surrendering to what is doesn't mean you don't try or you don't care. You're not giving up your agency, your choice, or your responsibility. It's more that you accept life and what it...

5 days ago • 1 min read

Lesson #2 Preparing For France is Like Getting a Divorce. Oh, wait. I did get a divorce. (final April 2, 2024 - thank you very much.) But still... even taking that nasty fact out of the equation, the amount of sifting, sorting, and tossing is a practice in letting go unlike anything else. Reader, even as much as you know that "It's just stuff.", you've attached so much meaning to it, the thought of tossing any of it rips your heart out. You Know --"The Stuff" The box of photo albums you've...

16 days ago • 1 min read

Hello Reader! Here it is the first of May and, as promised, here’s a sneak peek into "Don't Retire! ReWIRE," a transformative 3-day virtual event designed to help you redefine retirement into a vibrant chapter of rediscovery and growth. Save the dates - May 22, 23, 24! Why you want to attend "Don't Retire! ReWIRE" Rediscover Your Passions: Tap back into those dreams and interests that took a backseat during your career. Strategically Plan Your Future: Create a life plan that’s not just...

17 days ago • 1 min read

People have been telling me for a YEAR, "You have to share this journey!" Reader, if you're like me going "Live" online isn't the most comfortable thing. Recording yourself, in general, is a chore. Still, I've chosen this path of sharing my journey back to myself after retiring... so, here 'goes. So many of you have said how much you admire, how much you'd like to do the same, how envious, how amazed... you are that I'm actually making the move. Long & Winding Road 🎶 If I'm completely...

about 1 month ago • 1 min read

People have been telling me for a YEAR, "You have to share this journey!" Reader, if you're like me going "Live" online isn't the most comfortable thing. Recording yourself, in general, is a chore. Still, I've chosen this path of sharing my journey back to myself after retiring... so, here 'goes. So many of you have said how much you admire, how much you'd like to do the same, how envious, how amazed... you are that I'm actually making the move. Long & Winding Road 🎶 If I'm completely...

about 1 month ago • 1 min read

Reader you've heard the saying, "You have to let go to receive." ...which sounds completely ridiculous. Not only does it not make sense, try acting on this theory - which is NOT acting, by the way. In case you haven't tried it - it is NOT easy. Shaking Things UP & Letting Things Go I'm doing something different this week. I'm sending a short email with a couple of highlights that, if you're interested, you can click through to read more on. I really hate getting long, wordy emails. I will...

about 1 month ago • 1 min read

Reader you've heard the saying, "You have to let go to receive." ...which sounds completely ridiculous. Not only does it not make logical sense, try acting on this theory - which is NOT acting, by the way. In case you haven't tried it - is NOT easy. Crush It & Conquer 😬 ! It's not easy because it's not the way we've lived the previous 5, 6 decades of our lives. Build a career? You MAKE sh*t happen, you don't let go. Get the promotion, the client, the husband, the house in the country... you...

about 1 month ago • 4 min read

If you want a fulfilling, heart-centered, authentic life, you'll want to ditch the old, conventional definition of success and adopt the new. Reader, this took me more than a minute to figure out. We grew up in a culture that values image & monetary and status-based accomplishments. We learn that the importance in life is crossing the finish line - not running the race. As much as we say, "Life is about the journey not the destination." ...bullocks. It's time to buck what was, and change. OLD...

about 2 months ago • 2 min read

Boundaries. Boundaries hold things in, keep things out, & can give size, shape, & purpose to something. You can also tell a lot about someone by the boundaries they make ... and keep (or not). Bear with me on this, Reader. Holding true to personal boundaries is probably the most difficult change for me to make. Honestly it's a daily discipline and it's still hard. After leaving work and when I started to come through the confusion and frustration of "The Loop", I realized that in order to...

about 2 months ago • 2 min read
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