
Hi! I'm Lynnelle!

A Life in France or an Hour of Solitude

Published about 2 months ago • 1 min read

Reader, A few years ago the gnawing I felt inside wasn't a call from the French countryside. I didn't know exactly what it was, just that something was out of sync.

Whether you're in a life that's going well, yet have an occasional pang of "what if" - or you're feeling completely untethered, my first suggestion is to stop looking at is as something that is missing or wrong and reframe it as curiosity about what is going on? What IS there? I believe something "out there" is not in alignment with what is already in you.

Leaving my career behind started a chain of events, physical and emotional, that culminated in me finally taking my own advice. Spending time to figure out what "out there" was not aligning with what is IN me - that's what it took.

My dream of living in France, I realized, is less about geography and more about living in alignment with my values. It took me NOT trying to fix it, to figure it out.

You know, having a sounding board can really help you hear yourself think. As my life in France starts to come into view, I've opened my calendar for 3 private clients. If you want to explore what working together on your retirement reinvention strategy can look like, CLICK here to schedule a call with me. Let's talk about it.

Following your dream doesn’t have to be a move to France. Maybe it’s exploring your creative side after a lifetime of business finance. Or, perhaps it’s a dream of spending just a few days alone at a spa focused on nothing but yourself. It doesn’t have to be a ginormous move across an ocean.

But, it can be.


Lynnelle "Getting Into Alignment" Wilson

PS - Seriously, saying things out loud can make the difference. Schedule a complimentary strategy call to start your retirement reinvention.

PSS - Mark your calendar for May 22, 23, & 24 for the next 3-Day BOLD-Women's Circle: Don't Retire! ReWIRE virtual event. More information to come.

Hi! I'm Lynnelle!

Chief Cheerleader and Guide of the BOLD-Women Community.

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